Prescription Pills: The Teenage Drug of Choice

Prescriptions drugs have evolved extravagantly, sales have grown more than four times since the 90's. This class of drugs have become the most-accelerated to be abused, they are the most commonly used between the ages of 12-24. For example, Ryan Smith was a junior in high school, when he was given his first vicodin. The sensation he felt was incredible, and over the next year he moved on to other pills such as, Xanax, Valium, OxyContin and Adderall. His brother began using them the same way he did, and eventually he went into an addiction program. They were some of the lucky ones.

The advertisements shown on television appear to the viewing audience as being able to achieve a higher degree of euphoria and level of achievement in their lives.
According to a survey from the University of Michigan, 14% of high school students from around the world have taken prescription drugs for non-medical reasons at some point in their lifetime. They mirror the exact same drugs that adults prefer.

Prescription drugs have become a nationwide problem. More and more adults and children are relying on them to correct their conditions such as, anxiety, depression and pain. Since these prescribed drugs are more readily available, our high school students are experimenting more frequently. They find them more appealing, since they are prescribed by a doctor and ultimately leading them into drug abuse and addiction.
(Daniel Costello.,, October 10, 2009)


  1. I believe that medications need to be closely monitored by the physicians who prescribe them. This is vital to prevent abuse of them and fatal endings. The healthcare providers need to make sure they are prescribing the right drugs to the right people for the right purpose.

  2. Drug abuse has definitely escalated in recent years. Today's youth is so desperate for danger that they have resorted to throwing "pill parties" where they rummage through their parents medicine cabinets and throw all these random pills into a bowl and share with their friends. The complete disregard for their own lives still amazes me!

  3. I definitely agree, these prescription drugs are getting into the hands of such young people these days. I don't think they realize the consequences and the difficulty they may have once they become addicted. I also think that physicians need to follow-up a little more carefully to make sure the patients being prescribed these meds are the ones who are taking them.

  4. I agree with what miriam said, the prescription drugs should be monitored carefully rather than making it available to these young people who are desperately looking for things/ drugs to be addicted to- or that make them feel different. Also,the awareness of taking prescription drugs without physician's instruction should be created too.

  5. Doctors today are very willing to prescribe pain medications for even mild pain. When this happens more people are putting themslves at risk for addiction not knowing the side effects and risk that go along with pain meds.

  6. I agree with everyone else, it's crazy how some of these kids end up with these meds. But, where are the parents and the education at? As a parent, shouldn't you monitor the meds in your medicine cabinet a little better? And shouldn't you stress the importance of adverse side effects...such as overdosing on those same little pills??!! I think the majority of the youth are miseducated and they aren't aware of the risks they are taking; or the damage they could possibly cause to not only themselves, but also those that care about them.

  7. True Garza, many doctors prescribe medications to people that show signs of depression and not even think twice about it even thought they might have something else going on and once the patient is in an altered state of mind because of the drugs then it becomes too late they might have already acted irrationally. And I think your also right jessica the parents do need to inform their children better because some people say, I had no idea they wanted to kill themselves they never showed signs but in actuallity they might have and their parents werent around to notice and pick up on it. Also the child might have felt more comfortable telling the parent what they were feeling if they had and open line of communication.
